You may also send a check or money order payable to:
3215 W Street, SE
Washington, DC USA 20020-3364
Your donation is 100% tax deductible. Our EIN number is 83-0481127.
You can check our IRS status at: Results for Tax Exempt Organization Search. On the IRS page, enter the EIN number in the EIN field, leave all other fields at their default, and click "Search."
We will provide you regular feedback on the projects you are so graciously funding.
Women’s Group Makes Soap to Donate to NonProfits
$775 raised of $700 - Goal Exceeded
Women's Group leaders Oumou Jallow and
Fatou Bah
delivering free
soap to a
Gambian non-profit.
Click to See 60-Second Video
Women’s Group’s Soap Making for NonProfits
$50 donation
I want to donate $50.00 to help cover the costs of making and providing soap for six non-profits.
Women’s Group’s Soap Making for NonProfits
enter donation amount
I want to donate a different amount to help cover the costs of making and providing soap for six non-profits.
Updating Nema Kunku Mosque Imam Dem
Updating Nema Kunku Mosque Imam Dem
$50 donation
I want to donate $50.00 to help plywood the ceiling, tile the floor, and paint the inside and outside of the village's place of worship.
Updating Nema Kunku Mosque Imam Dem
enter donation amount
I want to donate a different amount to help plywood the ceiling, tile the floor, and paint the inside and outside of the village's place of worship.
Scholarship - Female and Male
Female: $750 raised of $750 - Goal Met
Male: $525 raised of $525 - Goal Met
Some of are 20 young scholars on
Africa'S Smiling Coast, The Gambia.
Click to See 60-Second Video
Scholarship - Female
$75 donation
I want to donate $75.00 to sponsor a female's education for an entire year, including an exercise book, uniform, shoes, school bag, and book rental fees.
Scholarship - Female
enter donation amount
I want to donate a different amount to sponsor a female's education for an entire year, including an exercise book, uniform, shoes, school bag, and book rental fees.
Scholarship - Male
$75 donation
I want to donate $75.00 to sponsor a male's education for an entire year, including an exercise book, uniform, shoes, school bag, and book rental fees.
Scholarship - Male
enter donation amount
I want to donate a different amount to sponsor a male's education for an entire year, including an exercise book, uniform, shoes, school bag, and book rental fees.
Librarian and General Overhead Costs
Librarian and General Overhead Costs
$50 donation
I want to donate $100.00 to help cover the cost of keeping the Phyllis Wheatley library open and POHGEP's overhead, including maintaining this website. (The library is fully stocked now, but we pay the librarians $86.80 per month ($660 a year) to keep it open during the non-rainy season, which is eight months of the year.)
Librarian and General Overhead Costs
enter donation amount
I want to donate to help cover the cost of keeping the Phyllis Wheatley library open and POHGEP's overhead, including maintaining this website. (The library is fully stocked now, but we pay the librarians $86.80 per month ($660 a year) to keep it open during the non-rainy season, which is eight months of the year.)
$3,765 raised of $3,600
NEEDED TO REACH 2024 GOAl: Goal Met + $165