gambia river soap
Unlike industrialized nations, where the populations are getting much older, the Gambia is like other African nations, with about 60 percent of the Gambian population being under the age of 25. Consequently, much of the world’s future is in Africa.

The Port Of Harlem Gambian Education Partnership (POHGEP) not only connects Americans and others with the world’s future but also fills a void, as implied by a question that a Gambian friend once posed to me in 2001: Why don’t I see any African-American Peace Corps workers or other African-Americans working to develop The Gambia?

My response: Your children will never be able to say that.

That five-minute conversation evolved into our creating connections between Gambians and Americans since 2002. Please join me by making a connection today.

We work with the following groups on the following projects, which I hope will interest you and inspire you to choose to contribute in a way that resonates with you.

-Wayne Young
President, POHGEP


National Centre for Arts and Culture

from these shores

Our newest exhibit, "From These Shores," accompanies "West Africans in Early America," which we completed earlier and the Juffureh Slavery Museum continues to display. The new exhibit celebrates the accomplishments of known and lesser-known Africans in the diaspora across time and geography. The online version is available to view via the link in this section.

Baobab Youth Development Association (BYDA)

The growing BYDA-Phillis Wheatley 660-book library is now in a newly renovated space with ceiling fans and Wi-Fi. A mural adorns the inside and outside of the building. We named the library for Ms. Wheatley, a Senegambian-American.

Baobab Youth Development Association (BYDA)

BYDA administers our 17-student scholarship program for economically challenged K-12 students. In 2022, BYDA sent our donors the first-ever video (vs. paper) thank-you notes, and they continue using this modern practice.

Baobab Youth Development Association (BYDA)

The BYDA Women's Division makes and sells soap locally and some in the United States (see the poster above). We started the Women's Group Makes Soap to Donate to Nonprofits program. BYDA makes and donates the soap to local charities, which POHGEP financially supports.

Baobab Youth Development Association (BYDA)

BYDA recently received its twelfth and thirteenth barrels of mainly gently used clothes. We accept donations in Metro Washington, DC, primarily children's clothes and teenage and adult clothes up to size 10 for women and waist size 32 for men. The profits are used to fund other community projects.

Baobab Youth Development Association (BYDA)

BYDA completed paving 155 meters of a 180-meter (1/10 mile) road, which will make it easier for people, especially women giving birth, to get to the nearby hospital and everyone to the market and school during the rainy season when the dirt roads turn into mud. BYDA also renovated its new office and library space.

Baobab Youth Development Association (BYDA)

Artist Sheban Mbye completed the first and second murals commissioned by BYDA and POHGEP. One mural is in the BYDA-Phillis Wheatley library, and the other is outside.

Baobab Youth Development Association (BYDA)

Read Africa Week Festival @ Francis Gregory Library is co-sponsored by the Francis Gregory Library, Friends of the Francis Gregory Library, and the POHGEP and was held in February 2019 and 2020. The advent of COVID-19 in January 2020 interrupted the event. At past events, children took home a free Africa Access-approved book. Africa Access has held the annual Children's Africana Awards and Book Festival since 1993, sans 2020. All of the events are in Washington, DC.
How You Can Connect: I pay my own travel expenses; your contributions go directly to empowering the people in the villages in which we serve. We have four categories of donations; just click here or the Donate button to donate to one or more of the categories

If you are in Metro Washington, DC, buy some Gambia River Soap or donate gently used, small-sized, summer-weight clothes
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